韩 萍1 周永红2 唐 明1 郭瑞友1*
(1.青岛市海慈医疗集团,山东 青岛,266000;2.青岛大学,山东 青岛,266071)
中图分类号:R255.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0111-03 证型:BDG
【摘 要】从血浊与脑动脉硬化症发病的相关性入手,深入探讨脑动脉硬化症从血浊论治的机理,论述血浊是脑动脉硬化症发病的病理枢纽,而清化血浊法为防治脑动脉硬化症的重要措施。
【Abstract】The thesis explores the mechanism of the treatment ofcerebral arteriosclerosis from treating turbid blood by exploring the correlationbetween the turbid blood and cerebral arteriosclerosis, it elaborates thatturbid blood is the pathological pivot of cerebral arteriosclerosis, therefore,purifying turbid blood is a vital measure in preventing and treating cerebralarteriosclerosis.
【Keywords】Cerebralarteriosclerosis; Turbid blood;Rule of syndrome and treatment; Differentiationtreatment