

庄须伟  周晓明  甄洪亮

(日照市人民医院,山东  日照,276800

中图分类号:R255.2       文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0109-02   证型:BDG



AbstractObjective: To investigate the clinical efficacy ofmethod of activating blood Circulation in the treatment of hypertensivearteriosclerosis cerebral hemorrhage. Methods: 68 cases of hypertensivecerebral hemorrhage treated form May 2014 to May 2015 were selected and dividedinto an experimental group and a control group. The former group was treated byroutine western medicine plus blood circulation and blood stasis, while thecontrol group was treated by routine western medicine only. The clinicaltherapeutic effects of the two groups were observed and compared after thetreatment. Results: The total effective rate of the experimental group (88.2%)was higher than that of the control group (64.7%), the difference was statisticallysignificant (P<0.05); neurologicaldeficit scores in the experimental group patients after the treatment werebetter than that before treatment and control group, the differences werestatistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: On the basis of the conventional western medicine alongwith method of blood circulation in the treatment of atherosclerosis withhypertension intracerebral hemorrhage has accurate efficacy, which is worthy ofpromotion in clinic.

KeywordsMethod of activating blood circulation; Hypertensivearteriosclerosis; Cerebral hemorrhage



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