

1   李峻峰2  邹丽妍1  1

1.青岛市海慈医疗集团,山东  青岛,2660332.青岛市妇女儿童医院,山东  青岛,266000

中图分类号:R289.6       文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0029-02   证型:IDGB

 】目的:观察知柏地黄丸对葡萄糖耐量受损(IGT)患者超敏C-反应蛋白(hsCRP)、白介素6IL-6)及尿微量白蛋白(U-mALb)的影响。方法:145IGT患者,随机分为治疗组与对照组,观察结束共脱落及剔除病例21例,纳入统计病例共124例,治疗组61例,在健康教育及一般生活方式干预的基础上,给予知柏地黄丸口服;对照组63例,仅给予健康教育及一般生活方式干预,共治疗12个月后,观察两组hsCRPIL-6U-mALb等变化。结果:两组患者BMIFPGhsCRPIL-6均较治疗前下降,有显著性差异,P0.01P0.05;与对照组比较,治疗组治疗后2 hPGhsCRPIL-6U-mALb下降有显著性差异,P0.01。结论:知柏地黄丸能降低IGT患者的hsCRPIL-6U-mALb,改善糖代谢,减轻患者体内炎症反应及尿白蛋白的排泄,延缓或预防2型糖尿病大血管及微血管并发症的的发生。


AbstractObjective:To observe the effect Zhibai Dihuangpill on inflammatory factor and urine micro albumin (U-mALb) in patients withimpaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Methods:145 Cases of IGT patients were randomly divided into the treatment groupand the control group, there were 21 shedding and removing cases and 124 caseswere included in statistical cases. The treatment group (61 cases) was givenlifestyle direction and Zhibai Dihuang Pill while the control group (63 cases)was given only health education and lifestyle direction. After 12-monthtreatment, the high sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP), interleukin-6(IL-6)and U-mALb in both groups were observed. Results: The body mass index (BMI),fasting plasma glucose (FPG), hsCRP, IL-6 of patients in both groups decreasedafter treatment, the difference was of statistical significance(P<0.01or0.05); compared with that of the control group, 2-h plasma glucose(2HPG),hsCRP, IL-6 and U-mALb of the treatment group decreased more significantly, thedifference was of statistical significance, P<0.01.Conclusion:Zhibai Dihuang pillcould decrease hsCRP, IL-6 and U- mALb and improve glucose metabolism, reducethe inflammatory reaction and urinary albumin excretion in the IGT patients,then delay or prevent vascular and microvascular complications in type 2diabetes.

KeywordsIGT;Zhibo Dihuang pill; HsCRP; IL-6; U-mALb



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