


(焦作市中医院,河南  焦作,454100

中图分类号:R254.2       文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0097-02   证型:ID

 】目的:观察阳和汤治疗流行性腮腺炎(阳虚证)临床疗效。方法:将60例患儿随机分为两组,对照组采用金黄膏外敷,7 d1个疗程。治疗组在对照组基础上,用阳和汤和海藻甘草汤加减观察临床中症状改善情况。结果:临床疗效方面:3 d治愈率,总有效率治疗组分别为70.0%100.0%对照组为40.0%93.3%,治愈率与总有效率差异均具有可比性;7 d治愈率,总有效率治疗组分别为93.3%100.0%对照组为40.0%93.3%,治愈率与总有效率差异均具有可比性;结论:阳和汤能明显改善流行性腮腺炎症状,有效缩短病程,值得临床推广应用。


AbstractObjective:Toobserve the clinical effect of Yanghe Decoction in treating mumps (yangdeficiency syndrome). Methods: 60 children with mumps were randomLy dividedinto two groups; the control group received the external application ofJinhuang Paste while the treatment group received Yanghe Decoction combined withmodified Haizao Gancao Decoction on the basis of the treatment of the controlgroup, the improvement of the clinical symptoms was observed. Results:3 day cure rate and the total effectiverate of the treatment group was 70% and 100% respectively, while that of thecontrol group was 40.0% and 93.3% respectively,the differences were of statistical significance; 7 day cure rate and the totaleffective rate of the treatment group was 93.3% and 100.0% respectively, while that of the controlgroup was 40% and 93.3% respectively,the differences were of statistical significance. Conclusion: Yanghe Decoctioncould significantly relieve the symptoms of mumps and shorten the course of thedisease effectively in treating mumps.

KeywordsMumps; Traditional Chinese medicine therapy; YangheDecoction



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