


(河南中医学院,河南  郑州,450000

类号:R249.8    献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0003-02    :AGB

【摘  要】归脾汤最早出自南宋严用和所著的《医方考》一书,至明代·薛己的《正体类要》一书中加入当归、远志二药,始臻完备。全方组方严谨,配伍精当,流传至今,有益气养血,健脾补心之功效,历来被广泛用于各科疾病的治疗,是治疗心脾两虚证型疾病的代表方。孙自学教授,博士生导师,系河南省首届名中医,致力于中医男科学研究数十年,在其临床实践中,运用归脾汤治疗心脾两虚型的多种男科疾病,疗效确切,笔者有幸跟随孙师学习,现选录孙师运用归脾汤治疗早泄、阳痿、性功能减退等医案,以飨同道。


AbstractGuipi decoction wasrecorded in Yifang Kao, written by Yan Yonghe in the Song dynasty. This decoctionwas completed in the Ming Dynasty by Xue Ji in Zhengti Leiyao by adding twoChinese medicinal: Danggui andYuanzhi. The recipe had the effect of tonifyingqi and blood, invigorating spleen and tonifying heart, and it was precise andwith optimal ingredients, therefore, it had been kept till now and was arepresentative recipe to cure deficiency of heart and spleen syndrome disease.Professor Sun Zi-xue is a doctoral supervisor and one of the most famous TCMdoctors in Henan province, he has been engaged in clinical study of andrologyfor decades and uses Guipi decoction in the treatment of male diseases withdeficiency of heart and spleen syndrome, of which the curative effect issignificant. The writer has the honor of learning from Professor Sun and sharesthe medical records of Professor Sun in treating male prospermia, erectiledysfunction and sexual dysfunction with Guipi decoction

KeywordsGuipi decoction; deficiencyof heart and spleen syndrome; andrology; prospermia; erectile dysfunction;sexual dysfunction



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